
Gass tal-lastku tal-asbestos

Gass tal-lastku tal-asbestos

& gt; Il-gaskets tal-fibri minerali huma maqtugħa minn folji tal-gomma tal-Fiber Mineral & gt; Adattat għall-użu bħala mezz ta 'jointing reżistenti għaż-żejt għall-installazzjonijiet tas-sħana u l-issiġillar tal-magna

Mudell:KXT 1500

Ibgħat Inkjesta

Gasstal-lastku tal-asbestos


Twissija dwar il-materjali ta 'l-asbestos: L-asbestosintuża għal bosta prodotti differenti fil-passat minħabba l-insulazzjoni tiegħu u

reżistenti għan-nar. Ir-riskji għas-saħħa ta 'l-asbestosdeher kif in-niesbdew jirrappurtawha bħala l-kawża ta' ħafna mard serju

mard. Il-gvern jirrikjedi li kwalunkwe prodott li jkun fih l-asbestosgħandu jkun ittikkettat u użat b'mod mhux frekwenti.Rikonoxximent

ta 'prodotti li fihom l-asbestos, bħalma huma l-gaskits, huwa passvitali biex jissostitwuhom b'alternattivi mhux tal-asbestos.


Deskrizzjoni: Minn fibra ta 'l-asbestosta' kwalità għolja, gomma naturali, fillers, aġenti koloranti u raffinati. Użat b'mod wiesa 'f'oqsma industrijali,

isa economy sealing sieglamaterial, according to working conditionschoosed the appropriate level of model, Asbestosgaskets

jista 'be used for most medium usingsapplications. Thiskind of sieglajista 'also be used for high pressures. Sometimes, we could

Daħħalsome reinforced material. Such asgraphie, metal wire, tanged sheet.

Also this asbestossieglacompressd with rubber material to be sheets. The sealing property isalso based on the rubber material.

NBR -  suitable for oils, gas, mild chemicalsand water

SBR - suitable for saturated Steam, mild chemicalsinert gasand water

Neoprene- suitable for saturated steam, refrigerants, oils, fuels, mild acidsand alkaliesand water.

EPDM - suitable for saturated steam, mild chemicalsand water 


Different grade of asbestosgasketsincluded:

Pressjoni BaxxaAsbestosGasket(KXT-1500): It ismade from white chrysotile fibre.It issuitable for the sealing condition of most low

temperature and low pressure.It isused to seal steam,water power,gasplant,żejtand other neutral medium.

Pressjoni MedjaAsbestosGasket(KXT-1510): It isused to seal steam, water power, gasplant,żejtand other neutral medium.

Pressjoni GħoljaAsbestosGasket(KXT-1520): It isused to seal steam, water power,gasplant, żejtand other neutral medium.

Prova taż-ŻejtAsbestosGasket(KXT-1530):It isused to seal steam, water power, gasplant, żejtand other neutral medium.

Application of Gasstal-lastku tal-asbestos: It isused in flange or equipment in the chemical plant, electric power plant, paper

fabbrika, żejtrefining, pharmaceutical fabbrika, food industry, mechanical manufacturing, ect. 


Tip ta 'Prodott Prinċipali:

Oġġett Nru.








4 MPa

4.5 MPa


200 ℃

300 ℃

400 ℃

450 ℃

CrossTensile Strength






OD=<1500mm(special size jista 'be made asrequest)


PIstruzzjonijiet rotattivi ta 'Gwida:

1 Put on protective clothing and breathing equipment to avoid unnecessary contact with asbestos. Wet the area dakcontains, or is

maħsubli jkun fihom, l-asbestos. Thiswill help to prevent the asbestosfibresfrom becoming airborne.

2 Locate the area of the sieglaand note the colour. Gasketsdakcontain asbestosare coloured white, black or dark grey. The

sieglawill also have a fibroustexture to it. If you are looking for a sieglain a machine or appliance, do not rely on the manufactured date

dakisprinted on it, asit may have had maintenance or service

work where the sieglawaschanged.

3 Replace the sieglawith a non-asbestosone. These kindsof gasketsare blue, green or metallic in colour.

4 Take care to collect and properly dispose of asbestoswaste, debrisand equipment used around the asbestos, and any clothing

dakyou wore while in contact with asbestosfibres. Double-bag any waste in distinctly coloured containersfor quick identification.

Hot Tags: Asbestos Rubber Gasket, Asbestos Rubber Gasket Manifattur, Asbestos Rubber Gasket Supplier, Asbestos Rubber Gasket Ċina, Asbestos Rubber Gasket Price
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